Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What Women Want In Relationship With Men?

It seems that there are very few women I know who do not have bad relationships with men. A lot of my friends are married, but at least half of them are unhappily so. I’m not sure why so many have so many problems, but it seems that this is the topic of at least half of our conversations. There seems to be a huge break down in communications between the sexes. It’s not all the fault of the men either, as women play just a big a role in this problem.

One friend in particular is having a horrible time with her relationships with men. She and her husband are pretty much roommates, and even years of marriage counseling have not helped them any. Her relationships with men have always been rocky, even though she is one of the sweetest people I know. I think she may have a problem speaking up for herself, and this is half of the problem. When problems are unknown and kept silent, the man has no way to try to work it out, if that is what he wants to do. Even her male friendships are strained.

There are some who say the way you deal with relationships with men as an adult are a direct result of your relationship with your father when you were a child. I don’t know if this is true, but it does make a lot of sense. I have read that those who did not get the attention they needed from the men in their lives while growing up will go on to seek relationships with men that are not healthy. They may not be as choosy when deciding upon a partner, and this means they will take the first man that comes along. We all know that is not always the best idea.

Now that I have a daughter of my own, I think about my own relationships with men, and how to make sure she is getting what she needs. I don’t want to her think she needs to have a man to make herself feel complete, and I don’t want her jumping into bad relationships with men just because she thinks she needs to have one around. I want her to be full all by herself so when she decides to be with someone, it is because he treats her well, respects her, and loves her dearly, not because she thinks she needs someone, anyone.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Common Instances Of Inter Racial Relationships

The world is a complicated machine. There are so many parts and factors to consider. I honestly doubt we'll ever see the day when it runs perfectly. Our species is simply far too diverse and close-minded to ever let such a thing happen. Take race for instance. This was, is and always will be a huge issue amongst humans. We must be the only species that cares about the color of skin. This concern clearly derives from fear. Fear of the unknown, as some folks put it. Since none of us know what it's really like to be a different race, many people fear what they don't know/understand. As if there's some secret, unsavory ritual going on. I often wonder if humans will ever move past the issue of interracial relationships and find it within themselves to accept everyone equally. So far things are not looking good.

Do you know of any interracial relationships? Of course you do! Or at least a few in the Hollywood circuit. We see this stuff on TV and in tabloids all the time. But, do you have any friends or acquaintances who are involved in interracial relationships? I know I do. One of my close friends from high school is Asian and his fiance is white. I am also Caucasian, and I can honestly say that this interracial relationship doesn't affect me whatsoever. Why should it? They treat each other well, and I don't wish to date the girl. On the other hand, some folks don't like it. They get odd glares all the time while out in public, as I'm certain many interracial couples do. I'd think by now our society would be past all this, but for some reason they can't be. One thing everyone should do is ask themselves how interracial relationships affect them. If you can come up with something legitimate, I'd be surprised. The truth is it has no bearing on you or your life whatsoever when it comes to strangers and their interracial relationships. Therefore you shouldn't be offended or perturbed.

Ignorance is often the issue where race is concerned. People typically judge things they don't understand. Whether it be choice of music, interracial relationships, or ways of life, it's imperative to learn more before you make judgments. I am addressing all races when I say this, because individuals from all of them do it.